Every year, Camp Chippewa depends on the work of dedicated Volunteers, Staff and Counselors.
Join Our Team!
Summer Counselor
Care for resident campers, facilitate various activities including worship, bible studies, archery, ropes course, fishing, camping, and more, maintain safety of all participants, work together as a team, communicate with supervisory staff, and other duties as assigned. This position lives in the cabins with the campers, including overnight, Monday-Friday and some weekends. Breaks will be given each day. We hire 10-16 counselors each year.
Must be 18+. One year removed from high school preferred
Junior Staff Internship
Juniors in High School-1 year removed from High School. Unpaid internship.
Come learn the ins and outs of how summer camp runs! Junior Staff are an integral part of the camp staff team. Learn how to care for resident campers, help in the kitchen, complete maintenance tasks, maintain a pool, learn the basics of wrangler responsibilities, and perform other duties assigned.
This internship is a 2-week commitment, over the weekend Junior Leaders will go home on the weekend.
You can use this internship on your resume!
You can sign up for multiple sessions during the summer. Completing this program is a great step in becoming a full summer staff member.
Assistant Wrangler
Work directly under Head Wrangler in managing the herd of horses and livestock. Maintain safety at the barn and on trial rides, maintain barn, pasture, and trail cleanliness and function, and all duties as assigned.
Must be 18+. One year removed from high school preferred.
Kitchen Staff/Hospitality
Do you love cooking and serving others? Come be a cook at camp! Job duties include: cooking for a group of up to 150, works closely with the Kitchen manager or head cook, assist in menu planning/follow a menu plan, manage special diets, coordinate kitchen staff, communicate with Site Improvement staff, maintain meal count records, unload deliveries, and other duties as assigned. Head and Assistant Cook Positions available. Hours negotiable (or until everything is done)
Camp Nurse/ Health Aide
Manage and record all camper medications, communicate with parents, preform 1st aid when needed, communicate medical and dietary needs with counselors and kitchen staff, and other duties as needed.
Site Improvement Staff
Work with the Site Improvement Coordinator to maintain function, safety, and cleanliness of the camp. Includes various jobs including, cleaning, plumbing, electrical, fence work, automotive, and more. Hours varies and negotiable.
Work with the Senior Staff member( Director, Program Coordinator, Head Wrangler, Site Improvement Manager, Office Assistant, Kitchen Manager, Nurse) that best supports your internship. Complete tasks related to your internship and ones that help support the camp and program. Other duties assigned as needed.
Spiritual Life Director (Camp Pastor)
Spiritual Directors are typically pastors. During each week of camp, a Spiritual Director helps plan and lead daily chapel sessions, work with the volunteers who are Spiritual Leaders to ensure a consistent message is being given to all campers, and provide spiritual guidance to campers, staff, and volunteers throughout the week.
Summer Camp Volunteer
Summer Camp Volunteers are assigned a camp to which they bring an expertise or passion (i.e. astronomy, nature, photography, etc.) or a Faith & Fun camp! They work with the counselors to help our campers while they are at camp and participate fully in the daily schedule.
Camp Volunteers must be 18+ , Safe Gatherings certified, and willing to share a cabin with campers.
Site Improvement Volunteer
Hard working volunteers help make our 660 acres beautiful and safe for all of our campers, guests, and animals. Work projects can include; painting, firewood cutting and cleanup, fence building, roadwork, tree work, and more!
Kitchen/Hospitality Volunteer
Come help work in the kitchen if you love to cook or clean! You will get to be around a wonderful team of people! You can help cook meals, serve the campers and staff, wash dishes, or clean the buildings. There is always a task that needs done in the kitchen to make summer camp work and it takes many hands.